Friday, January 23, 2009

Dubai 10k Race

Over the weekend of January 15 - 19 2009 a group of us took off to Dubai to take part in the 10k race which was run as part of the Dubai Marathon.

The girls (Patsy, Chris, me, Clotho) getting pumped up for the race!!!
Patsy, Clotho and I just after the race. We were expecting warm, still weather in Dubai but were greeted with the rainiest, windiest weather the desert had seen in a long time ...

What is considered cold and windy in the desert was nothing for us, we are used to gale force wind and freezing temps in our daily runs! We thought it was great weather!

Showing off our medals and gulping down some hot coffee after the run.

Chris, Rory and Clotho

Post race beer, anyone?
Dubai sunset at the Marina, gorgeous!
Chris, Clotho and I...

Chris and Clotho looking beautiful as always!
Shopping at the Gold Souk, woo hoo!

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