Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas / New Years in Michigan

This year I spent my Christmas / New Year holiday in Michigan. It was a treat! Mostly because I hadn't been home during the actual holiday for the past few years, so it was very fun to see everyone but also because there was so much gorgeous snow on the ground!!! (Well, then it rained...) Here are some photos from my 2 weeks at home.

Winter Wonderland!Santa's Sleigh:)
Ryan and I tickling and laughing
Emily and Mom get Christmas started off the right way!
The tree at Tim and Dana's house. Christmas has a new meaning when there are little ones around to enjoy it!
Ryan, Dana and Jacob
The boys and I playing before dinner / presents
Tim, Mom and me...
Jacob and Grandma
Emily and Aunt Cindy
Ryan and Jake coloring
This year the little ones really enjoyed opening presents. They needed to take each piece of paper off very carefully:)

The little guys got a tent, sleeping bags, lanterns, backpacks and waterbottles from grandma for Christmas. Now they can sleep under the stars this coming summer!
Gus the big dog and the little kitten, Lola wish each other Merry Christmas!To work off all the holiday goodies and to keep in running shape I did a 4 miler on New Years Eve. I was really pleased with my results, 9 minute miles! Usually I am at 10 minute miles. This might be a sign that this will be a good running year! Or, that all the hard work with the ladies running group in Baku is paying off!!!